
How do I reset the tire pressure sensor on my Vauxhall Combo Life?

I recently changed my tire and now the tire pressure sensor keeps alerting me. How do I reset it on my Vauxhall Combo Life? Is there a specific sequence of actions I need to follow?

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Answers (3)


Hi Ryan, to reset the tire pressure sensor on your Vauxhall Combo Life, first make sure that all the tires are properly inflated. Then, start your car and let it run for a couple of minutes. Next, press and hold the TPMS reset button for a few seconds until the indicator light flashes. Finally, drive your car for a few miles and the sensor should reset itself. If the issue persists, you may need to have the sensor checked or replaced by a professional.


Hi Ryan, I had a similar issue with my Vauxhall Combo Life and the tire pressure sensor kept alerting me even though I had inflated the tires correctly. The trick that worked for me was to disconnect the car battery for a few minutes and then reconnect it. This resets the sensor and it should start functioning properly. I hope this helps.


Hi Ryan, it's important to regularly check your tire pressure and make sure it is at the recommended level. Low tire pressure can affect your car's performance and can even lead to accidents. If the tire pressure sensor keeps alerting you even when the tires are properly inflated, it could be a sign of a malfunctioning sensor. It's best to have it checked by a mechanic to avoid potential safety hazards. Stay safe on the road!