
How do I troubleshoot a faulty starter on my Vauxhall Movano?

I am having trouble starting my Vauxhall Movano and suspect that the starter may be faulty. However, I am not sure how to confirm this and what steps I should take to fix it. Can someone provide some guidance?

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Answers (3)


Before jumping to conclusions, it is crucial to properly diagnose the issue. Check your battery and connections first to rule out any potential issues there. If the issue persists, it could be a faulty starter solenoid or a damaged wiring connection. It's best to consult a mechanic for a proper diagnosis and repair if needed.


Have you tried tapping on the starter with a hammer? Sometimes this can loosen any deposits or debris that may have accumulated and causing the issue. If this doesn't work, it's best to take it to a professional for further inspection.


I had a similar issue with my Movano and it turned out to be a faulty ignition switch. I would highly recommend getting this checked out as well.